Must Have Sensory Toys: How CMY Cubes Can Benefit Children With Autism

Must Have Sensory Toys: How CMY Cubes Can Benefit Children With Autism

It has long been stated that children on the autism spectrum have neurodevelopment challenges which separate them from neurotypical children. In fact, the brain of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder has structural differences and present with multiple variations which can explain the challenges they live with. One such challenge is sensory processing and self-regulation.

Over 70% of children on the autism spectrum have co-occurring conditions which intensify the severity of their disorder (Simonoff et al, 2008).

Sensory processing Disorder is the most common co-occurring condition in autists and require great care and attention when treating.

Sensory Processing disorder usually involves a child being either hypo-sensitive or hypersensitive. This means the child is either extremely sensitive to stimuli such as touch, taste, smell, sight and texture or oppositely, they are under-sensitive which means they may not be able to perceive danger or pain when it matters the most. (Child Mind Institute, Beth Arky) Several therapies have emerged to treat this aspect of an autism diagnosis and as such, a plethora of products have swamped the market, to aid in alleviating the symptoms of sensory processing disorder. One such product is the CMY Cube, which targets the stimuli of sight and uses the technique of colour therapy to regulate mood and anxious feelings within autists.


The Sensory CMY Cube

The CMY Cube is a fascinating invention with many combinations of colours built within a sensory cube. This cube and be twisted vertically and horizontally by user to create new and interesting colour combinations which ultimately provides sensory relief that can deescalate an oncoming panic attack or outburst due to rising sensory stimulation. This technique of using colour to decrease stress and induce a steady, calm and attentive disposition in an autist is backed by research which has proven the effects of colour on children with sensory processing disorder. Some tenets of the theories involved in colour therapy include the thesis that colour can trigger either pleasant or unpleasant emotions, depending upon the child and colour of choice (Lexington Services, 2021). In keeping with the idea that many Autism patients’ threshold in stimulation is below average, it is suggested that using specific colours to increase their threshold and stabilize their mood can be integrated in a therapy which can serve as a coping mechanism for them when in triggering environments (Kokuyo Camlin, 2019). This is exactly what the CMY cube does, thus proving literature right and earning the reputation of being research and evidence based.


Some other benefits and reasons why you could try the CMY Cube:

  • Improves attention span and occupies people of all ages
  • Great item to use in transitioning children from one environment to the next, thus providing familiarity and decreasing the possibility of outbursts.
  • Provides recreational purpose for childred and can be used as a point of reference for family time
  • Great to use in improving the skill of joint attention
  • Can stimulate creativity and even facilitate in fundamental childhood education such as learning and naming colours
  • Can serve to fine tune fine motor skills and strengthen muscles in fingers

Read reviews from our satisfied customers to learn more about how CMY Cubes can help.

Simonoff EM, Pickles AP, Charman TP, Chandler SP, Loucas T, Baird G. Psychiatric disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders: Prevalence, comorbidity, and associated factors in a population-derived sample. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2008;47:921–929. [PubMed] [] 

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